We have been married for 4 New Years Eve's, but only spent 1 together. Driving limo, I have to drive that night. We usually do the Average Joe's Sports Bar party. It doesn't get bad, but I'd sooner spend the night with my wife. So here is how it went. We have been in Calgary/High River since the 23rd. I left on the 30th so I didn't have to drive during the day and at night (if I did drive home on the 31st). So I got home the 30th. I cleaned the house, put things away and shoveled the snow! I decided to stay up as late as I could that night so that I could be more awake while I was driving the limo. It worked out. I stayed up til 3:30 building lego and watching Seinfeld, then finally went to sleep.
Have you heard of the country singer Julian Austin? Well, I drove him last night and was very impressed. He was so nice to me!! I took a few local celebrities and they treated me like dirt. I also took a punk band called Anti-Flag once and they were total jerks! Anyways, back to Julian. I drove him to the sports bar and waited. I went in to listen. Let me start out by saying- I STRONGLY dislike country music! I'm not going to say that he was bad, but it was not for me. He did however play Pink Floyds "Leave the Kids Alone" and it was awesome. He gave a shout out to me which was pretty cool.
I drove a few people ome before I took him and his band back to the hotel. We took some pictures and then that was it. I didn't get home until 4 in the morning. I don't like getting home that late because then I'm up for a while after that. I tried falling asleep to a movie and I think it worked. I remember waking up and it was on the main dvd menu.
Not a bad night. I worked for 6 hours, and got 250 in tips! Pretty cool!!
I hope your new year is a good one. I only have one suggestion for you- DON'T MAKE A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!!!!!! If you do, I promise you you wont be doing it come February!
In Case You Missed It | February 21
19 hours ago
Hey Irish, I just found out you have a blog. Nancy the super-blogger put a link on her page, so I read all about your interesting Christmas and New Year! Sounds like the limo job can sometimes be quite interesting and pay well.
And--David didn't sleep through the night until two weeks before Nancy was born! Looks like Marshall will be able to get several months of practice doing that before he is a big brother!
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